Monday 4 April 2016

April Minecraft - 1 - Spaceship

Day 1 Build - Day 2 Post

Build one the following.
or choose your own SPACESHIP 
Create a slideshow of your Minecraft progress.

Take a screen shot every 10 minutes. 
  • Minimum of screen shots = 10
  • Each screen shot must show reasonable progress. This is how you are graded.
  • Add a caption (in Picasa) explaining the changes to each screenshot.
  • Post the original Spaceship beside the slide show
  • Your screenshots are found in the 'screenshots' folder of '.minecraft' in 'Appdata'.
  • Do not forget to add your blog address (URL)

Upload your images to:
NOTE! upload first - create Album name after
Then go to:
  • choose your album - make sure you share it
  • click on each image to add caption explaining changes

  • choose Link to this album

  • choose Embed Slideshow
NOTE: I added captions to my photos so I chose to Show captions

  • choose Select slideshow size: Extra large 600px
  • copy the code then paste into the HTML section of your blog post.
Post the Spaceship you chose beside the slide show

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