Monday 9 May 2016

SU - 1 - Basic House

a house - another better house - inside a house - furniture -a pool - a fence - a cabinet

 Follow the GETTING STARTED VIDEOS: Video Tutorials: Getting Started
Title: SU - 1 - Basic House
1 - Basic House - Save the basic house you create at the end of the tutorial.
  1. Add windows to every side of the house.
  2. Paint the house and colour the windows transparent
  3. Add a door and steps at the back of the house just like the front (but different colour).
  4. ***Put your Blog Address on the roof below the chimney***
  5. FILE-EXPORT-2D Graphic at least 2 pictures from 2 different angles to show all 4 sides of the house


Post title: SU - 1 - Basic House

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